The podcast by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
Jordan B. Peterson
dr Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. Richard Lindzen delve into the facts of climate change, the models used to predict it, the desolate state of academia, and the politicized world of “professional” science.
Richard Lindzen is a dynamic meteorologist. He has contributed to the development of theories for the Hadley circulation, the theory of hydrodynamic instability, internal gravity waves, atmospheric tides, and the quasi-biennial stratospheric oscillation. His current research focuses on climate sensitivity, the role of cirrus clouds in climate and determining the temperature difference between the tropics and the poles. He holds multiple degrees from Harvard University and has received several awards in his field of study, including the Jule Charney Award for “distinguished research in the atmospheric sciences.” Between 1983 and 2013 he was Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at MIT, where he retired in July 2013.
The extensive catalog of Dr. Peterson is available now on DailyWire+:
for dr Richard Linden:
MIT Page:
(0:00) Come up
(1:19) Introduction
(4:40) Why you click Dr. Lindzen should hear
(13:00) This is how the Ivy League settings work
(16:00) Harvard or MIT?
(18:00) Focus on racism in the sciences
(19:22) Administrators outnumber faculty and students
(20:00) Waste of time with a broken subsidy system
(10:00) There is no money to question mainstream science
(24:00) 1800 science papers shock students
(25:30) Scientific journals are not endorsements of the science they publish
(27:40) In 1970 they notice an increase in Co2
(30:10) Classism and religious distortion
(33:40) We become poor for no reason
(38:00) Objections to the narration
(40:00) Coriolis Effect
(45:48) Jordan plays the devil’s advocate
(50:05) Politicians base their policies on scientific summaries written by politicians
(53:20) Bjørn Lomborg: Even if they’re right, it’s no big deal
(54:22) Tipping points how they actually work
(57:00) Averaging anomalies
(1:03:00) The climate threat is still five thousand years away
(1:08:00) Computer Models, Limitations and Benefits
(1:12:13) Fluid Dynamics
(1:14:45) Models over models that don’t predict anything
(1:17:45) Where scientists actually agree
(1:21:10) Money corrupts, “Climate Scientist” didn’t exist in the 90’s
(1:25:10) Speaking for your values without asking yourself what they are
(1:28:00) Gatekeepers holding back the world of science
(1:32:20) Foster terror, suffocate science
(1:38:30) You distort your own psyche when you distort your words
(1:43:00) Stand your ground, live against the truth
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