The United Nations is preventing to avoid wasting the credibility of the Paris Settlement – are you executed?
Essay by Eric Worrall
“… Individual years exceeding the 1.5 degree limit… means we have to fight even harder to get on the right track. …”
Press release | The WMO confirms that 2024 will be the warmest year on record, at around 1.55°C above pre-industrial levels
The WMO confirms that 2024 will be the warmest year on record, at around 1.55°C above pre-industrial levels
- The last ten years 2015-2024 are the ten warmest years on record
- We have probably experienced the first calendar year in which the global average temperature was more than 1.5°C above the 1850-1900 average
- Six international data sets are used to determine the consolidated global WMO figure
- In 2024, there were exceptional land and sea surface temperatures and ocean heat
- The Paris Agreement's long-term temperature target is not dead yet, but it is in grave danger
Geneva (WMO – The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has confirmed, based on six international data sets, that 2024 is the warmest year on record. The last ten years have all been in the top ten, in an extraordinary run of record-breaking temperatures.
“Today’s assessment by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) proves once again: global warming is a cold, hard fact,” said UN Secretary-General Antóno Guterres.
“Exceeding the 1.5 degree limit in individual years does not mean that the long-term goal will be achieved. This means we have to fight even harder to get on the right path. The scorching temperatures of 2024 will require groundbreaking climate action in 2025,” he said. “There is still time to prevent the worst climate catastrophe. But leaders must act – now,” he said.
The WMO provides a temperature assessment based on multiple data sources to support international climate monitoring and provide reliable information for the UN climate negotiation process. The datasets come from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), the Japan Meteorological Agency, NASA, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the UK Met Office in collaboration with the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia (HadCRUT) and Berkeley Earth.
“Climate history is unfolding before our eyes. We didn't just have one or two record years, but a whole ten-year series. This has been accompanied by devastating and extreme weather, sea level rise and melting ice, all driven by record levels of greenhouse gases due to human activities,” said WMO Secretary-General Celeste Saulo.
“It is important to emphasize that a one-year temperature above 1.5°C does NOT mean that we have not met the long-term temperature goals of the Paris Agreementthat are measured over decades rather than a single year. However, it is important to recognize that every fraction of a degree of warming matters. Regardless of whether warming is below or above 1.5°C, any further increase in global warming increases the impact on our lives, our economy and our planet,” said Celeste Saulo.
Read more: above -pre-industrial-level/
Does anyone feel the apocalypse?
It's also funny that scientists claim their established scientific models didn't see it coming.
Climate models cannot explain the major heat anomaly in 2023 – we could be in uncharted territory
Taking all known factors into account, the planet warmed 0.2°C more last year than climate researchers had expected. More and better data is urgently needed.
Gavin Smith
When I took over leadership of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, I took on a project that tracks temperature changes since the 1880s. I have used this treasure trove of data to make climate predictions at the beginning of every year since 2016. It's humbling, and a little worrisome, to admit that no year has been more detrimental to climate scientists' forecasting abilities than 2023.
Over the past nine months, mean land and sea surface temperatures have exceeded previous records by up to 0.2°C each month – a huge range on a planetary scale. A general warming trend is expected due to increasing greenhouse gas emissions, but this sudden increase in heat far exceeds the predictions of statistical climate models based on previous observations. Many reasons have been suggested for this discrepancy, but so far no combination of these reasons has been able to reconcile our theories with what happened.
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2023-24 appears to have completely disrupted the planned climate narrative. The United Nations and climate scientists seemed ready to take advantage of any little progress towards 1.5°C, but then suddenly we blow it away and they have nothing left to talk about. The ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland failed to slide into the sea, the North Pole ice cap is still there and you can still buy food in the supermarket.
There are weak attempts to push the 2.0C fear narrative, but they don't seem to have much traction. In the wake of the Covid lockdown debacle, the sudden discovery that the 1.5C hype was just as wrong as the Covid lockdown narrative seems to have destroyed much of the climate alarmists' remaining credibility.
2025 will be a very good year for climate skeptics.
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