Retired Colonel Jack Jacobs told CNBC that President Joe Biden is failing to keep his promise to end the war in Afghanistan and save all Americans and US allies from the country.
“The war is not over, we will not be able to save everyone, and I fear if we are not careful, if our allies are not careful, if the Taliban are not careful, we will end up with terrorists out of control and us and will threaten our allies again in the future, “said Jacobs, a military analyst with NBC News.
In his remarks on Thursday evening, Biden alluded to plans to develop targets under ISIS-K after a suicide bomber outside the city’s airport killed at least 113 people, including 13 US soldiers.
“We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will have you hunted down and paid,” said Biden from the White House on Thursday.
Jacobs told The News with Shepard Smith that the war would not be over because of the ongoing fighting between terrorist groups in the country.
“You will see a continuation of the fighting between the Taliban and all the factions that are trying to expropriate the Taliban,” said Jacobs, the US Army Medal of Honor and Vietnam War hero. “It will go on for a long time.”
Jacobs told host Shepard Smith that he had spoken to local people in Afghanistan who said the Afghans are realizing they cannot evacuate through Kabul and are looking for further ways out.
“They make their way to the border and try to get past Taliban checkpoints on the border via Uzbekistan and other places,” said Jacobs. “I think, unfortunately, we will still hear of many inconveniences after our departure.”
The White House did not immediately respond to CNBC’s request for comment.
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