Paul Ehrlich acquired virtually all the pieces mistaken, however we should always have listened to his local weather warning – with that?

Guest contribution by Eric Worrall

Former NSW Prime Minister and Australian Secretary of State Bob Carr said that while Paul Ehrlich was wrong about global hunger and resource depletion, we should have listened to his warning about global warming.

Everyone’s Afraid ”: The first mention of global warming in Australian media could only point to the future

Bob Carr
Industry Professor of Climate and Economics at the University of Technology Sydney
August 30, 2021 – 5.58 a.m.

It was 50 years ago – August 30, 1971. I was 23 and watched US ecologist Paul Ehrlich being interviewed by Robert Moore at the ABC Monday conference. Ehrlich said the world population is 3.7 billion people and we are adding 70 million people annually. This destroyed the life support systems of the planet.

The Prophet had spoken. Finally, I thought, someone has identified the driver of all environmental degradation: the explosive growth in human numbers.

I recently consulted the 33-page transcript. I saw a question from the audience that I hadn’t noticed at the time. An unidentified person asked Ehrlich about a cover story in the New Scientist that said the temperature of the world had risen by one degree and if it had risen by 3.5 we would inundate most of the earth.

Honestly replied that he was familiar with this research. “If we continue on our far-reaching energy course, sooner or later we will melt the polar ice caps.“He said” atmospheric dynamics “are now being studied and” everyone is afraid “.

Ehrlich was wrong in raising the threat of famine in the world and overlooking the new varieties of crops and farming techniques that allowed food to keep pace with the population. Critics have made a lot of this supposed Malthusianism. But 50 years ago a lot was unknown, not just in the environmental sciences. Western leaders believed in wage and price controls. China and Russia were caught in dogmatic Marxism.

Ehrlich was right about the biggest thing: the dramatic increase in world population that would raise the number over 50 years from 3.7 to 7.8 billion today. It happened on cue. According to a physicist, it explains at least half of the warming – it and the associated increase in consumption, such as the increase in the number of vehicles from 200 million to 1.5 billion. Or doubling the per capita consumption of pork. Above all, the doubling of electricity consumption.

Read more: gesture -to-the-future-20210828-p58mr6.html

Seriously, Bob Carr, getting almost anything wrong is not a selling point for a prophet.

Paul Ehrlich has frightened entire generations of children with his failed prophecies, just as children today are unnecessarily frightened by empty horror images about global warming.

The harm to children from all of this scaremongering is real, far more real than the fantasy horrors of slightly warmer weather. It’s not just the Greta Communists who are ruining their future career prospects by dropping out of school. There is evidence that some children are ruining their lives on hard drugs because they cannot live with what they have been told about climate change.

How many lives have been destroyed and continue to be ruined because self-important prophets like Erlich and you keep spreading empty horror stories? I’m not saying that you and others are purposely trying to destroy lives – but the destruction of young people is an inevitable consequence of the horror message that you and other well-meaning activists are pushing.

And after climate history finally dies, there will be something else, a new panic. Is always available. From witchcraft to resource depletion to global cooling to global warming someone is always trying to scare the kids.

Please wake up and stop being part of the Bob Carr problem.


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