Maxime Boudreault withdraws from the 2023 Arnold Basic, World’s Strongest Man 2023 after struggling a leg damage

Boudreault’s injury comes at a rather unfortunate time.

Maxime Boudreault has retired their respective roster spots at the upcoming Arnold Strongman Classic (ASC) 2023 and World’s Strongest Man (WSM) 2023 competitions. Athlete cites a He fractured his tibia in a fall as the reason for the movements.

“Fell on the ice yesterday and broke my little shin. I’m waiting for the surgeon but remain optimistic.”

Boudreault posted an Instagram video on February 23, 2023 breaking the news that his immediate competitive future is on hold. During the transmission of the update, it appeared the athlete would be pulled in for treatment of his injury by his partner Samantha Belliveau, the 2021 Canadian Strongest Woman (CSW) Champion.

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The schedule for Boudreault’s retirement from ASC 2023, scheduled for March 2-5, 2023 in Columbus, OH, makes perfect sense. It would probably have been too much for a lifter to subject their body to the required stress in such a short period of time when it may not even have fully healed.

WSM 2023, which will take place on a date April 19-23, 2023 – having taken place in late May during the 2022 iteration – appears to be an unfortunate coincidence for Boudreault. While WSM scheduling has typically jumped around the calendar in recent years (the 2021 competition was in June and the 2020 competition was in November), the athlete could potentially have fully healed and competed had he been given more time.

On February 22, 2023, the ASC announced this Kevin Faires would replace Boudreault in the 2023 ASC roster. At the time of writing, it is unclear who will take Boudreault’s place in the 2023 WSM.

In terms of recent competition results, Boudreault conquered the 2022 Canada’s Strongest Man (CSM) title. in August 2022. He placed fifth during WSM 2022. To date, Boudreault’s best performance at a WSM competition was when he took the podium in 2021, eclipsed only by legendary Brian Shaw and now two-time reigning WSM Champion Tom Stoltman. At its last ASC, the Canadian competitor placed sixth in March 2022.

However, before he can build on any of those past precedents, Boudreault will remain on the shelf for the time being.

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Boudreault is currently one of the bigger names in strongman and appears to have suffered an unfortunate losing streak that knocked him out of two major competitions. Seeing him compete again could be worth the wait if he returns fully healthy.

Featured image: @evolutionathleticsgear on Instagram

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