1989 vs. 2021 Local weather Doomsday (now all the pieces is politics) – cotton wool?

From MasterResource

By Robert Bradley Jr. August 10, 2021

“The climate of many countries seems to be one of the main reasons why idleness, dishonesty, immobility, stupidity and weak will prevail. If we can conquer the climate, the whole world will be stronger and nobler. “

– Ellsworth Huntington, Civilization and Climate (New Haven, Yale University Press, 1915), p. 294

Global government by an intellectual / political elite is the ruling height of the ruling heights. Witness the (now) 33 year old Great Alert of Anthropogenic Global Warming (aka Climate Change, Global Madness).

UN 2021: 6th climate assessment

It’s all bad. it will only get worse. It’s civilization’s last chance. Red alert for humanity….

But a massive energy transition can avert the worst. “The innovations in this report and the advances in climate science it reflects,” said IPCC Chairman Hoesung Lee, “are invaluable to climate negotiations and decisions.”

That’s all you need to know about the latest from the IPCC.

Where are the scientists who have documented that global warming is not a major threat? This real warming is far below that predicted by the model? That higher CO2 concentrations have clear advantages in leaving the sign of externality unknown?

Most of the dissidents are long gone. Many famous names are in their own silos, patiently and politely doing their own research and analysis. Some hold back in science. Still others have likely chosen not to become climate scientists and pursue careers hampered by a mainstream that cares less about improving humanity than about transforming an economic system that is displeasing.

The latest from the IPCC is well orchestrated. A scientific report on saving the world just before the UN Conference on Climate Change of the Parties (COP26), due to take place in Glasgow, UK, in less than two months. Incidentally, a conference that is facing the headwinds of a tripartite boom in fossil fuels and a fragmented policy.

Reality check: UN 1989

History matters. And in the climate debate, it is worth reconsidering humanity’s long preoccupation about the climate and recent global warming fear, both out of perspective and out of optimism.

Reprinted below is a 1989 AP report on the United Nations Consensus on Climate Change. I report; you decide ….

UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ A senior UN environmental official says sea level rise could wreak havoc on entire nations if the global warming trend is not reversed by 2000.

Coastal floods and crop failures would lead to an exodus of eco-refugees, threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

He said governments have a 10 year window to resolve the greenhouse effect before it is beyond human control.

If warming melts the polar ice caps, sea levels will rise up to a meter, enough to cover the Maldives and other flat island nations, Brown said in an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday.

Coastal regions are flooded; a sixth of Bangladesh could be flooded and a quarter of its 90 million people could be displaced. According to a joint study by UNEP and the US Environmental Protection Agency, a fifth of Egypt’s arable land in the Nile Delta would be flooded and the food supply would be cut off.

″ Ecological refugees are becoming a huge problem, and what’s worse, you may find that people can move to drier soils, but the soils and natural resources cannot support life. Africa doesn’t have to worry about land, but would you want to live in the Sahara? ”He said.

UNEP estimates that just protecting the East Coast would cost the US at least $ 100 billion.

Changing climate patterns would bring the Dust Bowl conditions of the 1930s back to the Canadian and US wheat countries, while the Soviet Union could reap bumper crops if it adjusts its agriculture in time, according to a study by UNEP and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.

Humanity’s use of fossil fuels and the burning of rainforests cause excess carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere, the study says. The atmosphere stores more heat than it radiates, similar to a greenhouse.

The most conservative scientific estimate that Earth’s temperature will rise 1 to 7 degrees over the next 30 years, Brown said.

The difference may seem small, he said, but the planet is only 9 degrees warmer now than it was during the 8,000-year ice age that ended 10,000 years ago.

Brown said that if the warming trend continues, “the question is can we reverse the process in time? We say that in the next 10 years, given the current pressures the atmosphere must bear, we have the opportunity to begin the stabilization process. “

He said that even the most conservative of scientists “are already telling us that there is nothing we can do now to stop a … change” of about 3 degrees.

“Anything beyond that, and we need to start thinking about the significant rise in sea levels … we can expect more violent storms, hurricanes, wind shears and congestion erosion.”

He said it was time to act, but there was no time to waste.

UNEP is working to draw up a scientific action plan by the end of 1990 and to adopt a global climate treaty by 1992. In May, delegates from 103 nations met in Nairobi, Kenya – where UNEP is based – and decided to start negotiations on the treaty next year.

Nations are urged to cut fossil fuel consumption, reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases such as methane and fluorocarbons, and conserve rainforests.

″ We have no clear idea of ​​the ecological minimum of green space the planet needs to function effectively. What we do know is that we are destroying the tropical rainforest at a rate of 50 hectares per minute, about a soccer field per second, ”said Brown.

Each hectare of rainforest can store 100 tons of carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen.

Brown suggested that Brazil, Indonesia and Kenya be compensated for the conservation of the rainforests.

The European Community is talking about a levy of about half a cent on every kilowatt hour of fossil fuels to raise $ 55 million annually to protect rainforests, and other direct subsidies are possible, he said.

The contract could also call for improved energy efficiency, more energy savings and the transfer of technology to third world countries to help them save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Brown said.

The solution was very early at the UN. The rest is history.


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