Merry Christmas, Blissful New 12 months, Thanks, and the Future • Watts Up With That?

Hello Everyone,

First let me wish you all happiness and good cheer, wherever you are. I want to thank everyone for their participation and the commentary at WUWT this past year, for without you, this would just be a distant and unknown corner of the Internet.

We’ve accomplished a lot this year. We’ve added unique and relevant AI generated but user-directed images as a feature for our head-post illustrations, which gives WUWT a special ability to illustrate and poke fun at some of the issues and people we cover. We’ve added other new features such as the Failed Climate Prediction Timeline. We’ve had contests for essays on climate change. We’ve added new graphics to the sidebar to illustrate the state of temperature for the U.S. and the world you won’t see elsewhere. We have recently updated the Everything Climate reference website to be part of WUWT – it was originally a separate URL but we had troubles keeping it managed and working properly due to internal WordPress issues. We’ve added a page showing that severe weather is not in fact getting worse despite what the media tells you. We are fighting back against the belief that climate related doom is just around the corner… with facts, and we will continue to do so.

We passed the 500 million views mark this year – no other climate related website can claim this. Many have not stood the test of time, disappeared, or have become inactive. We are still here. Many of our hostile screeching detractors at these websites have disappeared as well.


I also wish to sincerely thank those of you that have contributed funds to WUWT in sums both big and small. I thank those of you known and unknown, who have kept us afloat. Despite the fevered fantasies of our detractors, we’ve yet to get a single penny from “big oil.” Hell, we can’t even run Google Adwords anymore to generate some compensation as we have been banned because we publish things that are counter to the alarmist climate narrative and Google decided to listen to angry fools, instead of realists. Yet we persist, despite the efforts to starve and silence us with search engine and social media suppression.

I’d like to thank our detractors as well, it is because of your inane pigheadedness and resistance to logic and facts that we have the inspiration to move forward. Even many of our fake commenters are worthy of a thank you, except of course, “Griff,” who chickened out when we went to a registration requirement to comment. What I’ve learned is that most of our detractors are simply cowards.

And then there’s the fact that one of these anonymous cowards doxed me this year. I’m fighting on that front too. I can’t say more at this time, but so far the law is in my favor.

Most importantly, I would like thank the many people who keep the site running on a daily basis with maintenance, updates, and guest contributions. Both Charles Rotter and Eric Worrall deserve special thanks for their tireless efforts at updating and improving the site. I thank Willis Eschenbach for his regular data driven investigations. Behind the scenes, I thank Jim Secola who has been whittling away at the thousands of broken links and missing images in older posts. Also, there have been many people who have contributed fantastic WUWT essays over the year that I wish to acknowledge:

  • Andy May
  • Dave Middleton
  • Lawrence Hamlin
  • Kip Hansen
  • Kevin Kilty
  • Roger Caiazza
  • Ronald Stein
  • Paul Dreissen
  • Ken Haapala
  • Geoffrey Sherrington
  • Rud Istvan
  • Christopher Monckton
  • John Parmentola
  • Barry Brill
  • Steve Goreham
  • Russell Cook
  • Josh at Cartoons by Josh (get his 2024 calendar)

I’m sure I have missed a few people, you have my regrets for that oversight as well as my sincere thanks. There are also some people in my thoughts who have helped greatly, but prefer not to be named. You also have my sincere thanks.

This coming year will also be a year of growth and change. I want to give you a peek into the future.

  • I am setting up an Internet TV studio. I’ve been working slowly on it for about a year. The challenge for me is to make it work with my hearing issues while making it look professional like I did during my many years of live television weather. The studio will be for weekly live broadcasts and for making instructional videos.
  • With the new studio, there will be a regular weekly live interactive broadcast at WUWT to discuss the issues. That will be a subscriber based event. A subscriber based weekly newsletter is also in the works.
  • Along those lines, I am working on a 24/7/365 live “ClimateTV” channel that will run videos, graphics, data, news items, and entertainment. I have done some test runs and it is looking good. There’s still much more work to do before I launch. This will be free and public, though we may run advertising on it.
  • We will be updating the “Reference Pages” – they’ve been broken, mainly by WordPress cache issues which makes any fix disappear quickly, but our resident writer and programmer Eric Worrall has come up with a plugin that will solve this long-standing problem that prevents us from displaying live information. Our goal is to become the “one-stop-shop” for all climate information, especially the things you can’t find elsewhere.
  • Eric Worrall is working on a WUWT App, both for Android and Apple phones. This will be made available to everyone for free. The challenge was to make one that neither Google or Apple can “shut down.” We’ve got that figured out. I’ve tested it and it is a great start, we just need a bit more tweaking before release in early 2024.
  • We will be adding new topics to the Everything Climate section – feel free to make suggestions.
  • We will do a website overhaul, to go to a more modern theme that is better for speed and SEO. Our current theme is over six years old and it is creaking under the load. It has no update path.
  • I want to do a monthly “state of the climate” report, much like NOAA does, but from a perspective of sensibility. If funds permit, I’ll send out press releases each month to all media outlets. PRNewswire is not cheap.
  • I have designed and prototyped a fantastic replacement for the NOAA MMTS temperature measurement station that is affordable, automated, accurate, and most importantly mostly immune from local site biases as I outlined in my 2022 Corrupted Climate Stations report. I’ll need people to fund stations and test it on location. Anything the government can do by contract, can be done better by people with determination. NOAA has become the “DMV” of surface temperature measurement. More on that later.


Doing all this not only takes time and selfless commitment, it takes funds. Since we’ll never get a dime from “big oil” nor even “big tech” now that Google has prevented us from running advertising, I have to beg. I hate doing this and it has been awhile since I have asked. Without my asking, many of you have become regular contributors via a monthly program with PayPal, while others have sent larger one-time sums to keep us going. I thank each and every one of you.

If you’d like to help reach our goals outlined above for the coming year, any amount, big or small, will help. See the DONATE BUTTON on the right sidebar or this link. This allows you to use a credit card or a one-time bank transfer. If you need to mail it by USPS or other means, please use the contact form and I’ll be in touch.

In closing, let me say that I’m honored and humbled by all of you who come here and participate. I am thankful that we can continue, despite the odds.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and may God bless you all! – Anthony Watts


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