Herd of Big Puppets Trekking 20,000KM to Hilight the Local weather Disaster – Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

And you thought climate scientists teaming up with comedians was strange.

Herd of puppets to trek 20,000km to highlight urgency of climate crisis

Team behind Little Amal puppet hope to create ‘visceral engagement’ with issues caused by climate emergency

Lanre Bakare Arts and culture correspondent
Thu 22 Feb 2024 18.00 AEDT

The production team behind the Little Amal puppet, which raised awareness about the plight of the refugee crisis in Europe, hope their next project – a herd of animal puppets going on a 20,000km trek – will start a new global conversation about the climate crisis.

Amir Nizar Zuabi, the Palestinian artist who helped launch the Amal project, said The Herd – which will tour through several African and European cities and feature dozens of puppets – will be a “soft, beautiful evocation to think differently” about the climate crisis.

“Climate change is the biggest story we’re facing now,” said Zuabi. “It’s often presented in terms of emissions and the Kyoto agreement – people struggle to fathom that, but what Amal did beautifully and what we hope The Herd becomes is a visceral engagement with the issue.”

The “core” herd will contain about 30 puppets representing the migrating animals of the Serengeti, but they will be joined by a “massive migration” of different animals as they arrive in new locations – creating a herd that could swell to many dozens of puppets.

Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/22/herd-of-puppets-to-trek-20000km-to-highlight-urgency-of-climate-crisis

What can I say? You’re supposed to read IPCC reports, not smoke them.

I do find the picture of Little Amal a bit disturbing, I wouldn’t want to come fact to face with it on a dark night.

All that wooden latticework in my opinion looks way too much like a druidic Wicker Man for comfort. You know, the kind Imperial Rome claimed ancient Britons used for sacrificing living people on bonfires in nature worship ceremonies back in the day. Though modern practitioners claim they no longer perform human sacrifice.

Wickerman Festival, Dundrennan, Scotland, burning of the effigy. By Simon Brooke, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

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