Do you nominate members for the EPA’s Unbiased Scientific Advisory Boards – Watts Up With That?

Reposted by Junk Science

We need your help and the deadline is Monday, May 3, 2021. On or around March 30, 2021, Biden EPA chief Michael Regan fired all EPA independent science advisors and rolled back key anti-corruption measures introduced by the Trump -EPAs have been implemented to ensure the independence and balance of these bodies in accordance with legal requirements. For background information, see my column in the Washington Times. The EPA is now accepting nominations for new members. The deadline for nominations is Monday, May 3, 2021. Read on to nominate scientists and experts to the EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) and Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC). You can nominate yourself or someone else. This is very important.

The online form for nominating a person to work for either SAB or CASAC can be found here. The link will open in a new tab so you can easily work between the and EPA websites.

If you plan to nominate more than one scientist (much appreciated) you will need to reload this link for each nominee. The link will open in a new tab as above.

Note that there are two forms:

  • A form to nominate experts who have previously worked at SAB or CASAC (the EPA already has their credentials). and
  • A form to nominate experts who have not previously worked at SAB or CASAC (therefore the EPO does not yet have your credentials and you will be asked to provide details).

From the list of former SAB and CASAC members provided by the EPA, nominates and suggests that you do the same for (name, nominee board, area of ​​expertise):

  • Richard Belzer, SAB, cost-benefit analysis
  • James Bus, SAB, Toxicology
  • John R. Christy, SAB, climate
  • Louis Anthony (Tony) Cox, Jr., Former CASAC Chairman, Air Quality
  • Robert Hahn, SAB, Economics
  • Michael Honeycutt, former SAB chairman, toxicology
  • Dennis Paustenbach, SAB, toxicology
  • Robert Phalen, CASAC, Air Quality
  • Anne Smith, SAB / CASAC, cost-benefit analysis
  • Richard Smith, CASAC, epidemiology
  • Don van der Vaart, SAB, Chemical Safety
  • George T. Wolff, CASAC, Air Quality
  • S. Stanley Young, SAB / CASAC, Air Quality

Don’t forget to nominate new people who have never served SAB out CASAC before. You know who you are You can nominate yourself or someone else (however, you may need to have some idea of ​​their credentials).

This is important. We want to make sure the EPA has a balanced SAB and CASAC – as required by law. The deadline ends on Monday, May 3rd. Nominate now!


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